Gloire Rubambiza | [CV]
I am the head of engineering at Satlyt, leading efforts to build the "Airbnb for Space Compute". Before Satlyt, I was a postdoctoral associate and PhD student in Computer Science at Cornell University, where I conducted research in the area of hybrid cloud computing for digital agriculture with an emphasis on societal impact. I was co-advised by Hakim Weatherspoon and Phoebe Sengers.
As a researcher, I am driven to advance the state of the art in resilient networked systems in ways that center their societal impacts at the earliest design stages. To do so, I strategically combine techniques from networking and critical human-computer interaction (HCI) into a single approach that I call trilingualism, which continuously integrates (1) networked systems building, (2) critical domain applications, and (3) critical reflections on the technical decisions. As a result, I produce sociotechnical insights. In my PhD, I implemented and deployed data-driven agricultural applications in rural areas of the United States (US). I am excited to build on this track record to continue pushing the state of the art in networking and HCI to new frontiers such as space.
Recent News
- Oct. 2024: I have joined Satlyt as head of engineering for edge computing
- Oct. 2024: I am on the academic job market for 2025!
- Sept. 2024: I successfully defended my dissertation and became Dr. Rubambiza!
- Aug. 2024: I am staying as a postdoctoral associate with Cornell CS
- Apr. 2024: I am nominated as a Ph.D. Degree Marshal to represent Cornell Bowers CIS in the 156th Cornell University Commencement!
- Apr. 2024: Excited to give a LEAP Alliance Invited Research Talk in the HCI Seminar at Princeton University CS!
- Mar. 2024: Excited to present a poster on our SDF 2.0 work at KubeCon/CloudNativeCon Europe in Paris, France
- Jan. 2024: Our simulacra of societal impact paper is accepted at ACM CHI '24. We're going to Hawaii!
- Jan. 2024: Photo and video recap from my wedding in Uganda
- Dec. 2023: Excited to travel to back to Uganda for my upcoming wedding
- Dec. 2023: Excited to give a LEAP Alliance Invited Research Talk in the Systems Seminar at UIUC CS!
- Nov. 2023: News article by Cornell CIS covering my participation in the Tapia conference
- Nov. 2023: Excited to give a LEAP Alliance Invited Research Talk in the Systems Seminar at UT Austin CS!
- Nov. 2023: I was awarded the SUNY Provost Diversity Fellowship for Spring '24 as a Graduate School Dean's Scholar!
- Oct. 2023: Video from my Comosum presentation at USENIX ATC '23 now available on YouTube
- Sept. 2023: I won Best Doctoral Presentation in the DC at Tapia based on my thesis work!
- Sept. 2023: I participated in the Doctoral Consortium (DC) at Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference in Dallas
- Sept. 2023: I co-organized the SNIP2+ Workshop at SIGCOMM '23 in New York City
- Sept. 2023: The Los Angeles Times covers our work on spotting wine grape disease from the sky
- Aug. 2023: I was selected for the NextProf Nexus future faculty development program at Georgia Tech
- Aug. 2023: I received a one-year extension on the NSF NRT Fellowship in Digital Plant Science at Cornell
- July 2023: Comosum is presented at USENIX ATC '23 (slides)
- July 2023: EdgeRDV is presented at IEEE Edge '23 (slides) , (video - starts at 01:27:30)
- June 2023: Comosum receives all badges in the USENIX ATC '23 Artifact Evaluation
- May. 2023: EdgeRDV is accepted at IEEE Edge '23. We're going to Chicago!
- May. 2023: Fresh paper on cloud-based disease detection in the Journal of Geophysical Research
- Apr. 2023: Comosum is accepted at USENIX ATC '23. We're going to Boston!
- Apr. 2023: I was recognized with the Cornell Bowers CIS Distinguished Leadership in Service Award
- Apr. 2023: I was selected to attend the CSST Summer Institute. Yay for new sociotechnical connections!
- Mar. 2023: I am co-organizing SNIP2+ at SIGCOMM '23. Please submit your work!
- Sept. 2022: Excited to return to IBM as a Research Intern with the Distributed Cloud Management group
- June 2022: Our paper on Seamlessness in DA is featured in Cornell News. Read more: here and here
- May. 2022: Excited to join Meta (Facebook) as a UX Research Intern in the Privacy group
- May. 2022: Our paper on Seamlessness in DA is presented at CHI '22
- Mar. 2022: I successfully proposed my dissertation topic and passed my A-exam! (see Research)
- Feb. 2022: Our paper on Seamlessness in DA is accepted at CHI '22. We're going to New Orleans!
- May. 2021: Excited to join IBM as a Research Intern in the EDA group
- Apr 2021: I told School News Network 'I’m hoping the world will be my oyster' about my career
- Feb. 2021: Our paper on the Future of Farm Work is accepted at the Automation XP workshop @ CHI '21
- Apr. 2020: I received a two-year NSF NRT Fellowship in Digital Plant Science at Cornell
- Mar. 2020: I received an Honorable Mention in the 2020 NSF GRFP competition
- Oct 2019: I am featured in the Cornell CIS@20 Celebratory Video
- (show/hide older news)
Select Publications
Gloire Rubambiza, Phoebe Sengers, Hakim Weatherspoon, and Jen Liu, "Seam Work and Simulacra of Societal Impact in Networking Research: A Critical Technical Practice Approach", ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI 2024). (Acceptance Rate: 24%). [PDF], [video]
Lara Roeven, Steven A. Wolf, Phoebe Sengers, Jen Liu, Gloire Rubambiza, Donny Persaud and Hakim Weatherspoon, "Analyzing Abstraction in critical Agri-food Studies and Computer Science: Toward Interdisciplinary Analysis of Digital Agriculture Innovation", Agriculture and Human Values.
Gloire Rubambiza, Shiang-Wan Chin, Sachille Atapattu, Mueed Rehman, José F. Martínez, and Hakim Weatherspoon, "Comosum: An Extensible, Reconfigurable, and Fault-Tolerant IoT Platform for Digital Agriculture", USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC 2023) (Acceptance Rate: 18%). [PDF], [video], [slides], [code].
Gloire Rubambiza, Braulio Dumba, Andrew J. Anderson, and Hakim Weatherspoon, "EdgeRDV: A Framework for Edge Workload Management at Scale", IEEE International Conference on Edge Computing and Communications (IEEE Edge 2023) (Acceptance Rate: 17%). [PDF], [video, 01:27:30], [slides].
Gloire Rubambiza*, Fernando Romero Galvan*, Ryan Pavlick, Hakim Weatherspoon, and Kaitlin M. Gold, "Toward Cloud-Native, Machine Learning Based Detection of Crop Disease with Imaging Spectroscopy", Journal of Geophysical Research (Biogeosciences), Volume 128, Issue 6, 2023. [PDF].
Gloire Rubambiza, Phoebe Sengers, and Hakim Weatherspoon, "Seamless Visions, Seamful Realities: Anticipating Rural Infrastructural Fragility in Early Design of Digital Agriculture", ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI 2022). (Acceptance Rate: 23%). [PDF], [video], [slides].
Gloire Rubambiza, Phoebe Sengers, and Hakim Weatherspoon, "Paradoxes in Creating the Future of Farm Work: Anticipating Social Impact through the Lens of Early Adopters", Automation Experience at the Workplace Workshop at the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI 2021). [PDF].
Gloire Rubambiza, Hakim Weatherspoon, José F. Martínez, and Abraham Stroock, "WaterGuard: Toward Cheap Automated Irrigation Systems Powered by the Cloud and TV White Spaces", CMD-IT/ACM Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference (TAPIA 2020). [PDF].
Martin M. Perez, Gloire Rubambiza, Brandon Barker, Hakim Weatherspoon, and Julio O. Giordano, "Automated real-time integration of data from multiple sensors and nonsensor systems for prediction of dairy cow and herd status and performance", Journal of Dairy Science, Vol. 103, Suppl. 1, 2020. [PDF].
Fall 2021 - Graduate TA - Applications of Machine Learning to Plant Science (PLSCI 7202)
Summer 2020 - Graduate TA - Pre-Sophomore Summer Program in Computer Science (CS 3410)
Spring 2020 - Graduate TA - CS 3410 (Computer System Organization and Programming)
Recent Posters and Research Talks
Apr 2024: Invited talk in the RFI Speaker Series at Microsoft Research for Industry | Remote
Apr 2024: Invited talk in the HCI Seminar at Princenton University CS | Princeton, NJ
Dec 2023: Invited talk in the Systems Seminar at UIUC CS | Urbana-Champaign, IL
Nov 2023: Invited talk in the Systems Seminar at UT Austin CS | Austin, TX
July 2023: Invited talk at the Northeastern University 2023 Pre-OSDI/ATC Workshop | Boston, MA
Apr 2022: Invited talk in the ICTD Seminar at the University of Washington CSE | Seattle, WA
Apr 2022: Invited talk in the Systems Seminar at the University of Washington CSE | Seattle, WA
Mar 2021: Invited talk at the (Virtual) FarmBeats User Monthly Workshop [Slides] | Ithaca, NY
Sep 2020: Poster at the (Virtual) TAPIA '20 ACM Student Research Competition | Dallas, TX
Grad School Advice
Like one of my mentors, Dr. Christian Trefftz, routinely asked me in undergrad:
Do you want to go to grad school?
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